NOVA -A nova ( pl. : novae or novas) is a transient astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, apparently “new” star (hence the name “nova”, which is Latin for “new”) that slowly fades over weeks or months.

There’s a sense in which every day, every moment even, is a NOVA. But there are some significant times in our lives when we recognize either that the Newness is emerging, or even that we are consciously making choices for Newness

I think this is one of the times in my Life, and perhaps in yours

I am choosing some very, to me, very important changes in my Life. A part of that is assessing and reclaiming pieces of my Life that I want to keep. Several pieces are just plain ‘NEW”. The Chinese ideogram I have framed and hung in my office for many years has the caption, “CHAOS – where brilliant dreams are born.” I’m pretty clear about the “chaos” piece; I’m not exactly convinced about the “brilliant” piiece. But I’m in the middle of it and I’m pretty determined not to turn back.

So, while I haven’t done any “official” Art this month : too much of the “Chaos” piece has been active for me, and it takes time to be still enough to sort through details in an effort to get to “brilliant”. Clearly I’m not at the latter point yet.

However, as a way to entertain myself, and perhaps you, I’ve taken a photo of how I’ve decorated the cover of my Remarkable II, which I’ve been using for several years now. The drab grey cover just wasn’t doing it for me, so I decided to get out some of my acrylic paints and paint a bit of Chaos to share with you. This is it:

Also, to have a bit of silly fun, I’ve given a name to this time of my Life, and decided to invite you into my process. I’ve shown this to several friends, and the reaction has ranged from “Oh, that’s cool!” to “I don’t really get it.”

So today’s Sharing is to give you a possible new name for this time of my Life. If you can decode it, you will know me a little better, or at a minimum you can participate in a bit of silliness on my part. Have fun decoding – or not if you so choose.

Therefore, what does this say to you about this current perception of my Present Life:

Mah eee


(K)nau ooh

If you get it, congratulations on being as silly as I am at this moment. If you don’t get it, don’t worry because you’re in some good company with a few others


and welcome to March, the Time of NOVA


So, I did not do any “official” art pieces. However, for many, many years I have devised a family celebration for Epiphany. Christmas, my opinion, has gotten so uploaded with expectations, advertising, competition, difficulty with getting on the calendar with so many others calling for attention. I decided I needed a reframe to spend time with people whom I love.

This year, after last months’ white-on-white Quilling piece, I decided to create Epiphany “gifts” for these family people whom I love. At Epiphany, I choose to give everyone in the family the “same” offering.

Therefore, my gift to these loved ones is what I’m sharing with you, instead of an official Art Piece.

Feel free to feel the energy, if it fits, to your own Life at this time. If it doesn’t fit, no worries – the gods will assuredly send you what you particularly need at this time in your Life. Be on the lookout so you don’t miss it.

Namaste, my friends. Happiest New Year.


So, as you can probably see, I haven’t completed, well, really, any Art Work this month. I have been dabbling and preparing items. Like this last one is some polymer clay I’ve been experimenting with. I’ve worked with a bit of some cardboard projects. I’ve dabbled with creating more quilling pieces. And the first item is the beginning of a Piece that is taking considerable time than I have originally envisioned. But, as my one daughter pointed out, “Mom, it’s not Line Work”. So there you have it. Hopefully more next month.

Then there’s the whole “Stuff Happens” idea. I’m not going to detail this, but I feel sure you will understand and for some of you identify.

Last month, three items arose and I’m still working on them:

  1. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah
  2. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, BLah
  3. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah Then, this month, oh, maybe 2 weeks ago, another item drew my attention
  4. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah Blah
  5. Then, perhaps last week, another item came up for needing help
  6. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah
  7. Then ( I may have even forgotten something) I realized I was probably dealing with a bout of Scyatica
  9. Alright, I’m not complaining. I just thought if I had to write something it would be filling in the BLAH items and frankly that sounded boring to me and probably to you. The point is, a lot is happening and regarding Art Completion, nothing has happened. And that’s just about all she wrote for September. Sorry about the paragraph and sentence structure. I learned quite awhile ago that WordPress has very much a mind of it’s own, and it takes creative people a bit of effort to decipher what it is I’m trying to say. Good luck, and happy September. I hope you don’t have any Blah’s. STUFF HAPPENS!

First Try

These are First Try’s at a different skill. I’m working on what’s called “On Edge” Quilling, and theseare in no-way brag-worthy. It has also amazed me at how much material it has required. No problem, it’s just that standing the paper on edge doesn’t take up much space, and therefore required more paper.

So I don’t think there’s a grand lesson here (although I’m am told by The Wise Ones that there’s always a”lesson” if we look quietly and pay attention), but I’ve been away for several weeks with people whom I love, and this is really all I had time for.

Welcome to the second half of 2023. Let’s be on the look-out for the things we think of as “messy” and the “lessons” they bring us.



This is not my original idea (“nothing new under the sun”),

but when I came upon it, I thought it was worth tucking

away in my psyche for areas of possible usefulness.

The underlying value seems to be that we overwhelm ourselves

with “TO DO” Lists, which can lead to a sense of never doing enough,

never enjoying a NOW on the list because there are 13 other items

that I we need to get on with.

So, no Freedom, no “psychic” space, no valuing of the present experience.

Just busy, busy, busy and the critter chattering on our shoulder saying.

“Get on with it . . . oh, and don’t forget . . . you need to also . . . be sure

that gets on the list, too.”

On it goes.

So the person positing this Don’t Do List thinks it helps clear things that are

no longer a priority, opening up space for perhaps new loves and curiosities,

and for sure more opportunity to enjoy and savor the already items that

have been prioritized.

When I read this, several items came almost immediately to mind.  I watch

(or sometimes just listen to) a particular Cable News program.  That can take

up my entire weekly evenings when I’m home.  I think I need to stay informed,

but this is going well beyond only being informed.  I mean there’s only so many

ways to tell us what “he” did or said today, and what our national and international

concerns might need attention.

The so much of that goes on my Don’t Do List.

One other one I’m entertaining is Don’t stay up until very late (opening up more

opportunity to get up earlier and have more daytime energy for the things I really

want to prioritize.

You can see how these two items on my Don’t Do List are related.

Well, I only offer this for consideration.  The idea may have no current value for you

in your Life.

I’m not going to go into it at this point, but one caveat to enacting this idea has to do

(for me) with establishing new neural pathways to accomplish this.  When I establish

a habit, seemingly even when it’s not serving me well, it’s a challenge to stay mindful

and focused to DO differently (like learning how to create feathers out of paper – see below)

Wabi Sabi



There’s not much more I have to say other than what the Title instructs.

It’s up to you to Listen in the Quiet for what you already KNOW.

How’s that for Succinctness! And Individuality.


Five times One (month) = my Art for January

I was so very touched by the Bulletin for the Christmas Eve Service that

I have intentionally put together some either late-for-Christmas 2022

or early-for-Christmas 2023 gifts for my daughters and two of my

Granddaughters, and their significant others.

The edge of the Pieces is made up of 2 ½ inch squares of colorful

Magazine pictures, rolled up and glued into multi-colored rolls.

It’s a double row on each piece, so I’ve been very busy cutting paper,

rolling paper, and gluing paper.  (Ah, the Life of an Artist)

As an aside, FaceBook reminded me of something I apparently had written

For my February 1, 2020 Blog Post.

Since it so spontaneously appeared this morning, I thought I would share

it again for 2023:

We wander the Roads of the Past:

Memories of Surprise and Euphoria and Grief.

But it’s no longer really real;

It has been sponged up by the Time Fog

We meander into the Future.

We visit our Hopes and Anxieties.

Again, not real;

Each one a Comrade of many Potentials, but not actual

We intention ourselves to the Present

We do what we can

We plan, initiate, respond, sometimes over-respond, and sometimes comfort ourselves with our Denial

This Now is the most Real

And then . . . . the Unexpected intervenes, fostering

A Breeze of Astonishment and Joy,

A Frigidness of Fear and Shock,

A Furnace of Rage and Venom

We fold our hands.

We Praise or Plead.



© Susan Alley

All rights reserved

Enjoy your February.



And so: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023

It’s been a busy day (for me), and I don’t have any wisdom thought for you. I do want for you to make this year, again, a

time for you to be as aware as you can of who you are and what your “next right step” might be. I wish for you to be

kind and generous to yourself, because we all know by now the concept of Wabi Sabi, and even when things fall short of

whatever I, you, we think might be “perfect”, we can bless ourselves and each other and learn from whatever we’ve decided

and the results thereof, that we are but human and we will continue to learn and “grow”. It never stops, frineds, so we might

as well make peace with this.

Now, regarding the below pieces I’m sharing, they are by no means perfect, but I have learned a lot from these experiences.

One thing I’ve learned to do this month is to make and design “frames” for my pieces. Again, not perfect, but I’m continuing

to learn and enjoying that process.

Peace to All. And Namaste to each of you.

Amen – So Be It!!!


I’m still learning and experimenting. These are small efforts again, using ordinary materials.

I think I’m getting ready to work on larger items and venturing into my more “sophisticated”

materials. That means a few things: one, I don’t know how that’s all going to work out, and

two, I will probably only have one item next time. We’ll see.

It’s interesting to me to be venturing into (for me) unknown territory. But then, what have I

got to lose – paper, paint, glue, time, energy, effort, focus – HM. Well, it is a bit, but what does

one do when there’s nothing to do (I refer, in addition to paying bills, to attending to miscellaneous

responsibilities, (like the light going on telling me my tires need to be pumped up and

remembering to VOTE next week), and of course attending to the entire national and international

dilemmas of our time – this latter of which no one knows how to handle – ) . . . .

But I digress. The above are the ways I soothe my soul, in addition to music and writings and –

well, whatever else I think up to entertain myself.

Enough of my thinking out loud with you. Enjoy your DAY. Enjoy your LIFE. And for heaven’s



Susan Alley





I just finished the audio version of a book called The Power of Fun.  It was mentioned in a New York Times Review, and seemed like something I should know more about.

You don’t have to read it or listen to it, because I’ll tell you that she said there are three important increments to lead us to have fun:  a) a spirit of Playfulness, b) a sense of Community, and a spirit of Flow.  You don’t have to have all three in every particular experience, but if you do, well, wow, you’re probably really having fun.

I’ve been dabbling (for some time now really) in exploring, learning about, and experimenting with different ways to approach my Art.  I’ve been creating the Mandalas for about twelve years and, while I still enjoy that, I’m finding I want to see what else might be outside the box.

Hence, I’m having Fun finding new ways to expand my Art experience.

I’ve included a few of my experiments this time, although I want you to know that these are indeed ALL experiments.  I’m using rudimentary materials, paints, and processes.  I don’t want to use my more expensive products until I have some idea of what I’m doing.  So, cardboard, student acrylics, and, in some cases, spackling material have been my tools to advance my art adventures.

But two things:  one, I’m having fun, and two, I’m learning more about my process by DOing it rather than only reading or YouTubing about it.

So, no large Insights here, but I wanted to put something on paper.

Also, I wish you all well as you investigate your own special and unique way of having FUN.

Feel free to let me and others know what you’re doing to have FUN.

NAMASTE to all!

© Susan Alley

All rights reserved

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