FEBRUARY 2024 Blog Posts



I have not done any Art this month. There are a few other items that need(ed) my

attention; a major one was my brother Robert being in the process of dying, and

at last transitioning to a newer realm on 1/27/24, Australian time, and 1/26/24

U.S. time.

I was honored to be asked to share a one-minute eulogy/honoring of Robert. In

light of his passing, I’m sharing what I said to those who were present tonight, tomorrow Australian time:

I have known Robert for 75 ½ years.  I knew him as little Bobby, grown up Bob, and finally as Robert, a man who chose integrity with others and within himself, and chose to name that choiceperson Robert.

He was a very smart, quick-witted person.  He was funny, funny, funny, and yet could really get down if you needed to and were able to deal with your and his feelings and perceptions. 

And he loved his family, certainly his dear Julie.  He tried to make amends to those he hurt; some responded, while some could not.  And yet he loved them.  Oh yes, and he loved his pets, the last being Kermit.

I admire his tenacity to continue to learn and grow and stay physically active.

My Brother, I salute you and am grateful that God let me know you for so long, and through so much history.

I miss you already, and I will never forget you

Namaste (the Christ in me honors the Christ in you) my dear dear Brother Robert. 

Your sister
