NOVEMBER 2023 Blog Posts


I’M BACK !!!

I’m back,

These above photos are Live-and-Learn experiments. Not sure I’ll do something like this again, but who knows.

I’ve found a bit of renewed energy in the past month, which encourages me to keep on keeping on.

I find I’m still wanting/trying to re-establish former regular protocols, while my Life circumstance sat times seem to mandate otherwise. So I have to make room for other taks that grab my attention. However, it challenges me to continue to assess my priorities and exercise patience around whatever all this Newness is.

It’s all good. Wabi Sabi continues to croon it’s Wisdom (sometimes it “yells” at me, but we won’tgo into that; well, maybe a little: if I’d listen the first few times, maybe I wouldn’t get “yelled at” later).

Namaste to All.