OCTOBER 2021 Blog Post

ATTITUDE 10/1/21 M


Reasonably regularly I take a look at how I’m spending my Time, on what, how much, when during the day, week or month.  It’s just a check-in to assess and make any changes and modifications I deem currently useful.    I mean it’s my Life, and I feel like I want to pay attention.

So, in recent weeks I’ve pulled out my paper and pen and set to work again.

As I was working I encountered the usual dismay:  these are all things I want to do and I don’t have enough time to do all of them to the “perfection” that I at least initially expect.  Curses:  foiled again!

And then it dawned on me.  I’m pretty clear for the most part how I want to spend my time.  Sure, some new things come up and some things aren’t possible on certain days at certain times.  But the real assessment I need to make is one of ATTITUDE.

So I have postulated a beginning of how I want to mind my ATTITUDE.  There are probably more and I will discover them along the way to the next Assessment.  But if I can be mindful of these items I think I will be a pretty happy camper.

These are the ATTITUDES with which I would like to experiment and become more Mindful.  They are not brand new, but I find if I don’t spell things out, they go into the woodwork of my mind and get pushed into a never-to-be-seen-again drawer of forgetfulness.

So, Susan, remember:

Wabi Sabi

         Nothing’s perfect

         Nothing’s ever finished

         Nothing lasts forever

         (and that’s okay)


         Take the next right step – a reasonably

         small one (not two, not twenty-seven).

         And then move on.

Focus and Intentionality

         Without this, I HAVE piled twenty-seven

         other items on my plate simultaneously


         Oh, no-o-o-o, not patience!

         Yes, Patience (Please reread the above list)

Have some FUN!

Well, the point of all this is to give me some guidance about Process while I implement Product.

Wish me luck.


© Susan Alley

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