MAY 2024 Blog Post

MORE MUNDANE ARTISTRY 5/1/24 plus pictorial evidence thereof


SO, as many of you know I have been creating a new NOW for myself. I knew it was going to take some time, energy, planning, tenacity, and patience, but there’s nothing like the actual experience to make it more “REAL”.

I am, however, making progress and only have maybe 20-25 more boxes to deal with, as well as multiple items for which to find a Home.

Meanwhile I’ve added in some other relatively shorter projects, like last month’s painting of the fabric headboard for my bed. And as I told you last month, I haven’t done any or many of my lovingly-called artistic pursuits, because, well, I’ve been busy.

But here today I’ll show you another one of those kinds of efforts – art of a practical nature. The first picture is what both of my bathrooms looked like (the tile for the bathrooms is next) before my magical transformation. I painted them – one more shout-out to YouTube for a product that one does not have to sand, prime, or do anything except paint maybe 3 coats of paint. And Joila!!!! I think they look pretty good, or at least I’m happier with them being white.

So, while I don’t expect to be “done” (when you own a house, are you ever “done”?!), I do expect to be getting back to why I’m going through all this change – to return to art, piano, reading, writing, being with my family and dear friends, some travel – basically having FUN! Although even now, with each small accomplishment I do feel a certain fun and pride (I hope the latter is not that which is going before the fall).

Anyway, I hope your month has gone well, and even if you have also had to deal with a measure of mundanity, that you’re making sure there’s a measure of pleasure, pride, and fun!

Namaste, my dear ones.


MOVING 4/1/24 plus a Before and After



So, this is it. I’m moving and will be out of techy commission for at least nine days. I can use my phone (as long as I remember to keep it charged), but no TV and no Internet (YIKES, what will I do without my usual distractions.

I’m excited, scared a little, and staying focused on what needs to happen in what for me is a major Life transition (see March’s Blog entry).

My Creativity, such as it is, has gone into this project to which I’m alluding.

I did paint my fabric headboard (thank you one more time to YouTube for instructions and videos. Because that’s the extent of any manner of creativity, I’m sharing the Before and After. It’s not my usual type of “art”, but it was relaxing and it was something that could be accomplished in a two-day period, which is faster than the rest of this has gone. I’m happy about the product and a tad proud of myself for painting ALL those buttons.

So, until next month.




MARCH 2024 Blog Post

NOVA one (sort of) Art Piece


NOVA -A nova ( pl. : novae or novas) is a transient astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, apparently “new” star (hence the name “nova”, which is Latin for “new”) that slowly fades over weeks or months.

There’s a sense in which every day, every moment even, is a NOVA. But there are some significant times in our lives when we recognize either that the Newness is emerging, or even that we are consciously making choices for Newness

I think this is one of the times in my Life, and perhaps in yours

I am choosing some very, to me, very important changes in my Life. A part of that is assessing and reclaiming pieces of my Life that I want to keep. Several pieces are just plain ‘NEW”. The Chinese ideogram I have framed and hung in my office for many years has the caption, “CHAOS – where brilliant dreams are born.” I’m pretty clear about the “chaos” piece; I’m not exactly convinced about the “brilliant” piiece. But I’m in the middle of it and I’m pretty determined not to turn back.

So, while I haven’t done any “official” Art this month : too much of the “Chaos” piece has been active for me, and it takes time to be still enough to sort through details in an effort to get to “brilliant”. Clearly I’m not at the latter point yet.

However, as a way to entertain myself, and perhaps you, I’ve taken a photo of how I’ve decorated the cover of my Remarkable II, which I’ve been using for several years now. The drab grey cover just wasn’t doing it for me, so I decided to get out some of my acrylic paints and paint a bit of Chaos to share with you. This is it:

Also, to have a bit of silly fun, I’ve given a name to this time of my Life, and decided to invite you into my process. I’ve shown this to several friends, and the reaction has ranged from “Oh, that’s cool!” to “I don’t really get it.”

So today’s Sharing is to give you a possible new name for this time of my Life. If you can decode it, you will know me a little better, or at a minimum you can participate in a bit of silliness on my part. Have fun decoding – or not if you so choose.

Therefore, what does this say to you about this current perception of my Present Life:

Mah eee


(K)nau ooh

If you get it, congratulations on being as silly as I am at this moment. If you don’t get it, don’t worry because you’re in some good company with a few others


and welcome to March, the Time of NOVA

FEBRUARY 2024 Blog Posts



I have not done any Art this month. There are a few other items that need(ed) my

attention; a major one was my brother Robert being in the process of dying, and

at last transitioning to a newer realm on 1/27/24, Australian time, and 1/26/24

U.S. time.

I was honored to be asked to share a one-minute eulogy/honoring of Robert. In

light of his passing, I’m sharing what I said to those who were present tonight, tomorrow Australian time:

I have known Robert for 75 ½ years.  I knew him as little Bobby, grown up Bob, and finally as Robert, a man who chose integrity with others and within himself, and chose to name that choiceperson Robert.

He was a very smart, quick-witted person.  He was funny, funny, funny, and yet could really get down if you needed to and were able to deal with your and his feelings and perceptions. 

And he loved his family, certainly his dear Julie.  He tried to make amends to those he hurt; some responded, while some could not.  And yet he loved them.  Oh yes, and he loved his pets, the last being Kermit.

I admire his tenacity to continue to learn and grow and stay physically active.

My Brother, I salute you and am grateful that God let me know you for so long, and through so much history.

I miss you already, and I will never forget you

Namaste (the Christ in me honors the Christ in you) my dear dear Brother Robert. 

Your sister


JANUARY 2024 Blog Posts

EPIPHANY   2 art piece family gifts


So, I did not do any “official” art pieces. However, for many, many years I have devised a family celebration for Epiphany. Christmas, my opinion, has gotten so uploaded with expectations, advertising, competition, difficulty with getting on the calendar with so many others calling for attention. I decided I needed a reframe to spend time with people whom I love.

This year, after last months’ white-on-white Quilling piece, I decided to create Epiphany “gifts” for these family people whom I love. At Epiphany, I choose to give everyone in the family the “same” offering.

Therefore, my gift to these loved ones is what I’m sharing with you, instead of an official Art Piece.

Feel free to feel the energy, if it fits, to your own Life at this time. If it doesn’t fit, no worries – the gods will assuredly send you what you particularly need at this time in your Life. Be on the lookout so you don’t miss it.

Namaste, my friends. Happiest New Year.

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